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Mission Statement
To empower men in their sobriety by providing them with a safe and sober place to live.

Vision Statement
Men will find purpose, sobriety, and independence on their journey of recovery.

Driskill Halfway House for Men is a safe place for a new start. DHH doesn't offer treatment from addictions.  Our mission is to offer help with the recovery process through groups and life skills.  Recovery is the next step after treatment.  Participates of DHH are expected to have at least 30 trackable days of sobriety before acceptance into our program.  Recovery is up to the individual, they own their recovery process.


"Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created" Esther 4:14


Welcome to Driskill Halfway House Men's Recovery Center, a faith-based sober living residence located in the Texas Panhandle. If you or a loved one are experiencing a life-controlling issue such as drug or alcohol dependence, we may be able to help.

Driskill Halfway House is located midway between Amarillo and Lubbock and houses women ages 18 and older.

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The Difference...
Driskill House desires participant to live and grow in a Christ-centered atmosphere, focusing on healing their mind, body and soul.
Driskill House

Driskill Halfway House

         for Men

Driskill Halfway House

          for Men
1202 Hwy 87 North  

PO Box 23  

Tulia, TX  79088

Phone: 806.995.4552 

Fax: 806.995.3379

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